Listed in order of priority
[This list does not include all the roads in the city.].

    1. Cale Drive
    2. Marion Rd > Water crossing south of Harvest Hills. Depending on price, include maintenance of rest of Marion Rd
    3. Youngsford Rd. > from Santa Clara East to Wetz then to Marion Rd.
    4. Youngsford Rd. > from Santa Clara West to low area
    5. Youngsford Rd. > from Marion Rd. East to Union Wine and include 200 ft. of Union Wine

Repairs to these sections of roads MAY REQUIRE written bids and final contract selection REQUIRES City Council approval. This list does not include ‘minor’ or emergency repairs.

If you would like to discuss roads, please come to a Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.

Persimmon Trail – July 2024
